
电影: «女武神» 2019



一阵风暴之后,齐格林德救助了一个受伤的陌生人。他们相知相爱,才发现这是她失散多年的孪生兄弟齐格蒙德,他们都是众神之王沃坦的非婚生子女。齐格林德的丈夫洪丁与齐格蒙德决斗,因沃坦和天后弗里卡的作祟齐格蒙德丧命。女武神布伦希尔德救走了齐格林德,并预言她腹中的孩子将是未来的英雄齐格弗里德。 瓦格纳的音乐永远像迷一样让人深陷其中,制造出众神的幻境。《女武神》是瓦格纳四联剧《尼伯龙根的指环》中的第二部,剧中复杂的家庭关系纠缠不清,齐格蒙德和齐格林德兄妹相爱的不伦更是惊心动魄。瓦格纳在音乐中探索众神人性的弱点...

电影: «Jonathan Creek: The Eyes of Tiresias» 1999



When an old woman experiences dreams of the future, including the murder of a prominent Swiss businessman and a prediction of a car crash, Jonathan must find out what is happening before her dreams of being attacked by a one-eyed man with a sword com...

电影: «Jonathan Creek: The Curious Tale of Mr Spearfish» 1999



A man who claims to have sold his soul to the Devil has a remarkable run of good luck — ranging from finding ancient treasure in his backyard to surviving a point-blank range shooting — but Jonathan and Maddy believe his success may be coming from a ...

电影: «Jonathan Creek: The Omega Man» 1999



Maddy is contacted by a man who makes a living investigating the existence of aliens and who claims to have found a real alien skeleton. The US Air Force intervenes and takes the skeleton, but it vanishes on the way to the military base, leaving Jona...

电影: «幻术大师:老红帽» 1998



A judge on a police protection programme is killed by a rapier blade to the heart after a brief struggle, but only his wife, who insists she's innocent, was in the room at the time, and the only evidence at the crime scene is a torn fingernail. As Jo...