
电影: «现在和以后» 2011



Sex, politics and American culture are mixed into a combustible combination in Now & Later. Angela (Shari Solanis) is an illegal Latina immigrant living in Los Angeles who stumbles across Bill (James Wortham), a disgraced banker on the run. She t...

电影: «Speaking Freely Volume 5: Hugo Chávez» 2008



In this volume of the thought-provoking series, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez addresses the international press corps on what he sees as the advantages of socialism and the flaws of capitalism and America's version of democracy. Suggesting that a ...

电影: «Speaking Freely Volume 4: Chalmers Johnson» 2008



Writer and professor Chalmers Johnson warns of the dangers of American imperialism, a trend evidenced in the presence of U.S. military bases abroad, the passage of the Patriot Act and the executive branch's use of military force. The outspoken author...

电影: «终结贫穷» 2008



French Filmmaker Philippe Diaz, in an illuminating documentary [The End to Poverty?] traces globalisation back 500 years to the Spanish and Portuguese conquests of the Americas. Diaz shows how the colonial North used the South's resources to build it...

电影: «Speaking Freely Volume 2: Susan George» 2007



Join award-winning scholar Susan George for an enlightening hour as she reveals the forces at work behind the problems that plague our global community today, such as poverty and unfair international trade practices. Far from a dry lecture, her talk ...

电影: «Speaking Freely Volume 1: John Perkins» 2007



Author and former economic consultant John Perkins takes aim at himself, confessing his shameful role in helping organizations such as World Bank and the IMF drive poor nations into crippling debt while enriching U.S. corporations. His social conscie...

电影: «Speaking Freely Volume 3: Ray McGovern» 2007



Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discusses the inner workings of the U.S. spy factory and explains how the agency's mission has evolved from uncovering facts about global security to delivering conclusions that support White House policy. In this inst...