
电影: «沙普的滑铁卢» 1997



France 1815When Napoleon escapes from Elba, Sharpe is settled in Normandy with Lucille, but his sense of duty recalls him to the army, and he is promoted to Lt. Col. in the 5th (Belgian) Light Dragoons, under the command of William, Prince of Orange....

电影: «沙普的正义» 1997



England, Summer 1814The war is over, Napoleon is in exile on Elba, and Sharpe returns to England. He accepts a posting to Scarsdale, Yorkshire, the town where he grew up, to head the private militia raised by Sir Willoughby Parfitt, a self-made man. ...

电影: «沙普的鹰» 1993



Sir Arthur Wellesley takes the army into Spain. In camp, Sharpe and Harper watch the arrival of a new regiment - the South Essex. At its head is Col. Sir Henry Simmerson, accompanied by Simmerson's nephew Lt. Gibbons, Lt. Berry, Maj. Lennox (a vetera...

电影: «沙普的敌人» 1994



Portugal 1813French, Portuguese and British deserters have banded together and taken over the village of Adrados. They are led by 'Marshal Pot au Feu' and Sharpe's old enemy, Obadiah Hakeswill, and they have two English women as hostages. Sarah Dubre...

电影: «沙普的金勋章» 1995



Spain, Summer 1813After a campaign battle, Sharpe discovers that a group of soldiers led by Sgt. Rodd are deserting. The provosts arrive too late to catch them, but arrest one of Sharpe's men for stealing a chicken.A relative of Wellington's arrives ...

电影: «沙普的战斗» 1995



Pyrennees, September 1813Lost in the Spanish hills, Sharpe's men come across the attacked remains of an English wagon train and then the sacked village of Casa Antiga. They find out that both were attacked by the Wolf Brigade, named after their comma...

电影: «木偶屋 第一季» 2015



英国独立电视台(ITV)为其黄金时段委托了讽刺木偶剧《Newzoids》,由其经典喜剧《Spitting Image》部分幕后人员参与制作,包括Jon Culshaw和Debra Stephenson。 《Spitting Image》于1984年首次在ITV亮相时就引起了不小的轰动,以讽刺和恶搞的手法惟妙惟肖地刻画了不同人物的木偶形象,包括政客、演员、王室成员以及名人等等,并一直播出到1995年。 《Newzoids》则把“矛头”指向英国首相戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)和其副手格...

电影: «唐顿庄园:2014慈善特别篇» 2014



It’s Christmas at Downton and Lord Robert Crawley (Hugh Bonneville) seems to be facing financial ruin once again. He’s beginning to wonder if his family may be better off without him but divine intervention in the form of a very special heavenly body...

电影: «威彻尔先生的猜疑:表象之下» 2014



Whicher is drawn into a high‐stakes case when Sir Edward Shore, the former Home Secretary comes to him with a delicate problem. His son, Charles has returned from India, post Mutiny, with his young family. Charles won’t be drawn on the circumstances ...

电影: «威彻尔先生的猜疑:同根相连» 2014



Whicher follows a married woman through the park in London, where she has a secret assignation with a man. They make their way to a hotel, where they dine and spend the night together as Whicher looks on, troubled. The following day, he heads out to ...