
电影: «热海» 1992



SYNOPSIS Joon-ha, a novelist in his early 40s writes about his experiences in the Vietnam war and becomes an overnight sensation. He signs a contract with a foreign publisher and goes to Thailand to translate the book. He takes his girlfriend, Ji-yeo...

电影: «이별아닌 이별» 1992



SYNOPSIS Ji-ae is a pretty but naive college student from the countryside. She rescues a mysterious young man named Ji-lip at a rest stop, and later runs into him again and falls for him in a group blind date. But Ji-ae who is popular with the older ...

电影: «애견부인» 1990



SYNOPSIS What her husband left after betraying her is a dog. She hates the dog for it reminds her of the husband's betrayal but the dog remains loyal and loving toward her not knowing what she thinks of him. Thought of the human being is hypocrisy an...